Addressing Carbon Emissions in 2024

3 Reasons Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Can’t Afford to Wait

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Or, schedule a 1:1 call with RyeStrategy to discuss your decarbonization goals and start planning your path to net-zero.


Decarbonization expectations for SMBs

From Microsoft to Ford to American Airlines, we’re seeing enterprises around the world publicly commit to ambitious net zero emissions goals. Whether sparked by consumer pressure, legislation, PR opportunities, or a heartfelt mission to help the planet, these initiatives are rooted in an environmental responsibility to reduce carbon emissions and slow the global impacts of climate change.

As a Small to Medium-sized Business (SMB), it can be difficult to navigate the impact your business has on our climate and whether consumers expect the same level of progress toward sustainability that we see from larger, publicly-traded companies. With resources stretched thin and competing business priorities, SMBs who want to pursue decarbonization historically have not had the executive buy-in or project budget to realize their goals. With revenue-impacting changes on the horizon, many SMBs have decided that now is the time to prioritize their net zero journey.

2024 rollouts that impact SMBs

Join us for a live discussion and Q&A session on Tuesday, November 7th, featuring sustainability experts Cooper Wechkin and Hannah Moskowitz from RyeStrategy, to explore the top three drivers that motivate SMBs to pursue sustainability initiatives including carbon accounting, science-based targets, and emissions reporting. We’ll walk through the impacts of emerging supply chain decarbonization trends, explain newly enacted emissions reporting mandates like California’s SB 253, and provide a guide to help you effectively scope and budget for upcoming decarbonization projects in a resource-constrained environment.


Attendees will learn:

  • Which SMBs will be required to report emissions in 2024

  • Time and cost estimates for your decarbonization projects

  • Strategies to maximize the benefits of sustainability initiatives across marketing, sales, and recruiting

  • How RyeStrategy’s decarbonization & reporting solution helps SMBs reach their goals, even without in-house expertise

Bring your questions

This educational event will provide you with relevant information as you make decisions about your decarbonization plans in 2024 and beyond. We will dedicate a portion of the time to live Q&A with our sustainability specialists - please bring your questions.


Going carbon neutral gave our brand distinction in the marketplace. We know of at least one deal where a customer chose us over the competitors because we were carbon neutral.

Jessica Day, Cofounder & CMO @ IdeaScale


About RyeStrategy

Expert-guided decarbonization solutions, designed for SMBs

Based in Seattle, RyeStrategy is a CDP-accredited, mission-oriented company specialized in decarbonization solutions for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Through a white glove software approach, RyeStrategy provides affordable and comprehensive decarbonization solutions that relieve SMBs of the need for in-house sustainability expertise.

From exhaustive carbon footprinting and mitigation strategies coaching, to setting science-based targets and publicizing your company’s commitments to unlock revenue opportunities and gain media exposure, RyeStrategy acts as a hands-on extension of the team, custom-tailoring services to meet SMBs exactly where they are in their sustainability journey.

A few of our clients and partners